Firstly, Affordable Car Hire would like to say a big thank you to all the agents who took the time to respond. As an extra thank you, all agents who responded were entered into a draw to win £50 in Capital Bonds. 2 weeks ago, our very own Accounts Manager, Sam Brown, picked a name from random to win the prize. We are very pleased to announce that the winner is...Gina at First For Orlando! Congratulations Gina. Let us know what you have spent the vouchers on!
At Affordable Car Hire, we take all of your comments and suggested changes very seriously, and take great pride in what you consider to be the best aspects of the company. All of the departments have been forwarded your responses and will be compiling a report about how we can improve the services we provide, based on your feedback. These reports will be communicated back to all of our agents at the beginning of May, so you can see how we plan to implement your suggested changes. A summary of these reports will, of course, be on this make sure you keep visiting the Blog to stay up-to-date with all the latest news from Affordable Car Hire.
Categories: Agents_Feedback, Service_Level_Agreement, How_are_we_doing?